Hey there... How are you all?? Hoping you are doing well. You might be pondering about the title " The white Space and the colorful world", those are quite opposite terms. but I will assure you guys it's a very useful in everyone's life.
So, in this article I will share something that I felt very much useful to be happy as much as you can in your life. you might know this no one always be happy in their life. There may be up and down in everyone's life. we have so many desires and passions, fantasizes running on our mind. So, with all these things being happy is a nightmare. Our mind always expects a reward for its every action, whether it is a smaller one or bigger one.
So, by reading all this lines the question that comes to your mind is that
"Is it impossible to be happy all over the life??"
The answer is "Not at all". You can still be happy by properly configuring your brain. I will tell you a small technique that I personally tried and found the difference in my life. I named it as a "The white space and the colorful world". We all know that white is a pure color which symbolizes the various great qualities like Peace, Purity, Charity, Innocence etc. The Purity that the white possess is really a great a quality it can shows every color that we can see with our naked eye. Likewise, we need to make our mind and heart pure. Here "pure" in a sense not just staying away from bad habits but also staying away from the desires and Greeds. These desires and Greeds are like a different color's in a Whitefield of our mind and heart,they restrict our mind to see the beautiful and colorful world around us.
How to do:
We all know that "practice makes man perfect". So, we should practice it. I know you are pondering about how to practice it. It's very simple wake up early in the morning sit in a meditation pose (Padma asana) and then take a deep breath hold it as much as you can release it slowly as much as you can. Now, close your eyes forgot about yourself there and don't think about your daily activities or about your desires. just Forget yourself. Empty your mind for some time. Erase all the colors in your conscience (heart) and make it like a whiteboard. Then you will be ready to sense experience the diverse colors of this world. But keep in mind dedication is the key. keep practicing it daily which brings you the better Results.
I am not saying that don't setup your goals and work for it, give your best to it, but don't forget about yourself and don't let your goals to grab your happiness from you. in fact, those are not our real goals at all.
Ask these questions to yourself before setting any goals:
Do I really happy with this?
Is this a purely my decision rather than other's suggestion?
Can I work on this goal consistently?
Do I have any other goals?
So, I think these questions is enough, but if you have few more, please go for it. If your answer those questions to yourself then you can easily get to know what's your goal in your life.
So that's it guys. Please share it your friends and family members if you find any value from this and do share your opinions in the comment section.
Love you all 😘 ❤ ❤ ❤.
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